It's Time to Make Exercise Fun Again!

At Athlon we are helping people move more, one day at a time. It's a place to play with your friends to develop healthy habits around moving more in our lives. And if trash talk happens along the way... all the better!

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We Could All Use A Little More Movement In Our Lives!

Moving our bodies is transformative, whether it's going for a jog, picking up a basketball or walking around the block. It strengthens our muscles, helps our hearts and clears our minds.

But so often the focus is on getting in more EXERCISE. Running faster, jumping further, or lifting more weight.

But you want to know the secret about exercise? IT SUCKS!

Hard core exercise can be great, and it has it's place, but here we simply focus on moving more, with our friends.

At Athlon we are helping people move more, one day at a time. It's a place to play with your friends to develop healthy habits around moving more in our lives. And if trash talk happens along the way... all the better!

Now let's get moving!

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It's All About Building Habits

Many of the benefits from exercise can be gained through many forms of movement, not just running or lifting. But one thing that does matter is consistency.

At Athlon we are focused on helping you develop the habits you need to stay active. Whether that's getting in 15 minutes of walking every day, heading to the gym after work, or taking the bike out for a spin a few times a week.

A Little Competition Goes a Long Way

Do you like the feeling of being on a team without needing to be at the rink/field/court at 10:45pm on a Tuesday night? Athlon gives a reason to get off the couch and go for that run. Because your team is counting on you.

We've stolen all the fun ideas from fantasy sports and brought them to Athlon to help motivate you. Now you can compete against your friends to see who can log the most minutes, be the most consistent, and try the largest variety of activities.

Say Goodbye to Netflix and Chill

Or at least feel like you earned it the next time you grab the remote!

Ready to get started?

Great! Let's get moving!

Get Started Now!